January 15, 2014 9:49 pm
Published by Writer
For decades there have been health crazes that have shaped the nation: the Atkins Diet, master cleanses and even starvation diets said to help people shed pounds each day. And while these crazes have come and gone—some to great effect, others largely disregarded—there are still new health and wellness trends appearing every day. The newest, a provision of ObamaCare, will impact vending machines in Tucson, as well as the people who buy from them. Starting in 2014, vending machines will have to post the caloric contents of each item contain within them—meaning every single candy bar, bagged snack or soft... View Article
January 1, 2014 9:50 pm
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You’ve probably heard a grandparent or even a parent talk about how the costs of goods have risen substantially over the years. Today, there’s no such thing as penny candy, cola costs more than a nickel and you’re not going to get very far with only 50 cents to your name. And while we’ve come to accept that the price of snacks has risen from decades passed, what’s unbeknownst to many people is the fact that prices for snacks in vending machines in Tucson are still rising. You may still be able to grab a Hersey’s candy bar for $1.25... View Article
December 15, 2013 8:00 pm
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Nothing powers a workforce quite like a good pot of java. For some people, it’s a quick cup in the morning, while for others, it’s a few pots at a steady pace all day. Regardless of what types of coffee enthusiasts you’re employing, however, it remains true that unless you have an accessible source of coffee, you’ll likely have some irritable employees. And while there may be a Starbucks within walking distance from virtually any location, why make your employees leave the building just to get a fresh cup? Efficiency at its finest The perks of having an office coffee... View Article
December 1, 2013 8:00 pm
Published by Writer
In an effort to continuously expand the possibilities of its micro markets in Tucson and provide the best in on-the-go food options to people in a number of industries, Prestige Vending is proud to announce its new partnership with Three Square Market. Through this new partnership, Prestige Vending will have the ability to offer a variety of new features and options to new and existing micro markets around the state. What makes a micro market better? If you’ve ever stopped by a micro market to grab lunch or even a quick snack, then the benefits of these convenient selling spaces... View Article
November 15, 2013 4:51 pm
Published by Writer
Throughout history there have been thousands of useful inventions created for the daily convenience of humans. Some of these inventions have led to making life easier when it comes to paying bills or simply being able to pick up a cellphone to send a quick text—instead of messaging via Western Union Telegram! And then, there’s this thing called a vending machine. Many people are so busy on a daily basis that lunch breaks have turned into an hour of thinking about their next work deadline. Just as was the case with inventions before the vending machine, this handy machine made... View Article