Categories for Micro Markets

Micro Markets in Tucson are Doing Their Part to Make Things “Greener”

April 15, 2014

Environmental awareness is one of the biggest topics in modern business—companies and individuals from all walks of life are striving to be more environmentally responsible in their operations. Because of this, consumers are now also involved in green-minded thinking, which fuels the demand for more energy efficient, environmentally friendly products and businesses: it’s truly a cycle of betterment! Because of this, some of the newest green-minded innovations are coming from the most unlikely of places—including the vending industry. It may not seem like a giant leap forward for vending machine companies and providers to go green, but in reality, the... View Article

The Top Five Advantages of Micro Markets in Tucson

March 15, 2014

It used to be that if you were in the mood for a snack, accidently left your lunch at home or were craving a certain food item, your only choices were whatever the vending machine in the break room had to offer. These days, however, it’s getting easier and easier to get the foods you want, the snacks you love and a greater selection of products, all in a single, convenient place. No, vending machines haven’t found a way to magically accommodate an entire store’s worth of food options. We’re talking about the rising popularity of micro markets in Tucson!... View Article

Prestige Vending Partners with Three Square Market to Expand Micro Markets in Tucson

December 1, 2013

In an effort to continuously expand the possibilities of its micro markets in Tucson and provide the best in on-the-go food options to people in a number of industries, Prestige Vending is proud to announce its new partnership with Three Square Market. Through this new partnership, Prestige Vending will have the ability to offer a variety of new features and options to new and existing micro markets around the state. What makes a micro market better? If you’ve ever stopped by a micro market to grab lunch or even a quick snack, then the benefits of these convenient selling spaces... View Article

Micro Markets in Tucson: The Future of Vending

October 4, 2013

Traditional vending machines are great for fulfilling a hunger on the spot or picking out a quick snack that can be eaten on the go, but what about those times when a single bag of chips isn’t enough or a candy bar just isn’t what you’re looking for? In these cases, vending machines can be very limiting—there’s a finite amount of space inside of them and they have to accommodate enough of a selection for people to choose what they most want to eat. Because of their limiting factors, vending machines are giving way to micro markets in Tucson, especially... View Article

The Technology And Benefits Of Micro Markets

May 16, 2013

Micro markets pose a very beneficial prospect to vendors who are looking to get a better idea about what their consumers are buying. Indeed, micro market vending in Tucson has exploded over the past few years because researchers have discovered a very simple reason as to why these enticing point of sale options are so valuable: they teach us about the buying habits of consumers. Each time a buyer shops at a micro market, they’re using their credit card to buy foods and beverages, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities in the way of determining what people... View Article

Prestige Vending & Office Coffee